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Weather Warning application

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 7:10 pm
by W7GMC
N3FJP has developed two pieces of software for weather enthusiasts. The first app is called "WX Spots 2.4" The software allows users to filter warnings, feed home weather station data and chat with other users. This is a great tools to use during severe weather, especially when you pull the plug on your radio and antenna's. You the application wirelessly and ensure you recieve the most up to date information and allows the reporting of severe weather to other "WX Spots" users.

The second application allows the filter of weather related information in the form of advisories, statements, watches and warnings. You set the filter for States and counties. It will even announce the weather statement over the computer to notify of an NWS alert. The application is called "WX Warning 1.4" and intergrates into "WX Spots". Great to see weather alerts for your area. Software is downloaded form the same site listed above. Would be great to have as many weather spotters or HAM's using the application to share the weather in your area with other HAM's, may even assist with emergency planning or responses based on ongoing weather events.

Please consider installing and running these applications. NOTE: This is not an alternative to the reporting of severe weather in accordanace with established NWS Skywarn protocol.