W7G QSL Cards
W7G QSL Cards
If anybody is interested, your long awaited qsl card from the special event station at the hamfest last summer is on the way! If I can do this right I'll attach the front and back of the card here so you can see it.
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Re: W7G QSL Cards
Man those are both really nice cards. I'm going to have to pick one of each up!!
Re: W7G QSL Cards
They're not here yet,,and the green is the front the report section is on the back.
Re: W7G QSL Cards
anyone who worked the station,,or worked from the station can get cards,,,first I have to send out a couple hundred to the people who sent US cards with sase's...but the minimum order was 1000 so don't worry there's gonna be lots of spares.
Re: W7G QSL Cards
that is a great looking card !! put me on the list please
are we going to do special event station again this year??

are we going to do special event station again this year??
Ken w7wof
Emergency Coordinator for Skywarn
North Central Montana Auxiliary Communications Group
Emergency Coordinator for Skywarn
North Central Montana Auxiliary Communications Group
Re: W7G QSL Cards
Ken I think the special event was just for the 75th. However I think we could set up a station and see what we could do.
Re: W7G QSL Cards
I would like a couple of em to Please.....
I know the waiting list will be long....but...
I know the waiting list will be long....but...
Re: W7G QSL Cards
again this year??? well, I have no problem with that, except that I had to haul the trailer up there last year, then I hauled a truckload of other stuff up there,,, then I hauled my camper up there,,,whew! we need to spread things out a little between more people! an event as simple as having a station out in the public for anyone to operate really is a big deal, and needs some planning. It's a LOT different than field day at Wal-Mart with everyone in town...BUT, I am sure we could get another 1X1 call if everybody wants to do it! K7G? Maybe W7G again? N7G? any other ideas? 

Re: W7G QSL Cards
I could help with the hauling if you like...(even if it takes a second trip or something.....)
Re: W7G QSL Cards
Careful now.... this could get to be a tradition for the Hamfest!
However as I see it this could be a nice presence for GFAARC. I do not mind helping as well, however it would be nice to have help hauling the stuff (both directions). It should not always fall to the same people to accomplish these tasks. W7G is my vote if we do this!

73's Jim N7YO
Re: W7G QSL Cards
IF we do this again, with W7G, we would need to order "generic" W7G cards...not a problem,,,and I would bet my left
that it would be available...

Re: W7G QSL Cards
George never bet your Left
You may Lose!

Re: W7G QSL Cards
well, I already lost my right
when Logans foot clobbered it when he was 2 or 3,,,anyway just so everybody knows,,,I applied for the W7G call today (whether we use it or not). I will post back when I hear if it's accepted or not.
I never realized,,, all these years, Logan has been a pain in the
Not neck!

I never realized,,, all these years, Logan has been a pain in the

Re: W7G QSL Cards
Come now you wouldn't have given him up for anything! The two kids you have turned out great. Logan just hasn't hit potential yet!!